Micronutrient analysis and skin
How can I get healthy glowing skin? This is the question I have been hearing it a lot lately maybe because we are now past holidays season and some of …
How can I get healthy glowing skin? This is the question I have been hearing it a lot lately maybe because we are now past holidays season and some of …
Let’s Talk About Anxiety: Mental Health in 2020 event for Piedmont Women’s Heart Institute. Time: July 16th at 3pm Looking forward to seeing you all!
Fatigue can be a normal experience and part of the normal physiology and we all dealt with energy fluctuations at one time or another. Modern day life puts people in …
Integrative medicine emphasizes personal empowerment to choose a healthy lifestyle that can help prevent cancer from occurring, support the body through the treatment or prevent recurrence. Many factors may not …
Talking about menopause: I have covered considerations for testing, the need for exercise, diet changes and some stress reduction techniques. There are more ways to help and things to do, in …
Menopause can be hard to understand for someone who has been familiar with her own body for many years – and now suddenly nothing feels right. Hormones would explain a …
Menopause? Solved! How nutrition and exercise can help Read More »
This is a beautiful and sincere blog written by Maria Angelova my close friend and founder of Rebellious Intl- a company dedicated to wellness through exercise, aromatherapy, and safe cosmetics.Enjoy her …